Miracle Grill Mat

Dirt Trapping Floor Mats

One Step Mud Mat stops most of the debris carry in your feet from ending up on your flooring. One Step Mud Mat keeps floors and carpets from getting dirty unduly fast, and is designed to work in all kinds of places, such as homes and places of businesses. It works for all doors and areas of traffic and does not look out of place in any room.

One Step Mud Mat for pets and litter boxes, camping & RVs, cars or boats, swimming pools or hot tubs, to keep sand, leaves, snow and salt, or loose grass from spreading beyonde the entrance. And it is 100% machine washable!

The small ones are approximately 20" x 30" the large are approximately 30" x 50" - twice the size but less than half the price! - while he runner Is 27" wide and just under 7 feet long. $100

They all can be cut to fit any size, and carry a 5 year warranty.

dirt Mat

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